Posts Tagged ‘Thy Darkened Shade’

Abrasive Audio 2020 Part Twenty – A “Guest” Takes Over

Cult is away.  It’s hilarious as he’s on vacation, though still at the whim of someone, rather than doing absolutely bugger-all (which is much like anyone else would do). Like a puppy dog following around his master Cult is obediently following his wife’s every order. Poor sod. So, in his absence I’ve decided to keep the site afloat (as if anyone is paying attention anyhow?) What to tackle first? A movie? Nah, takes too long and depending on how decent it is I’d probably be doing something else by its finale. Metal, it seems, is where I’ll dip my malformed digits for the foreseeable future. And seems as I’m in charge, and Cult is elsewhere, looking confused, with tool in hand, cursing like an exasperated pirate, I’m going to mix things up a little, toss in a few elements which I believe have worked best. A few words, a few numbers, perhaps a smidgen of humor? What could go wrong? Seriously.

May I introduce my spin on Abrasive Audio

Starting with…

Amidst the Withering (USA) – Such Devils we Shame

Release- June 2020

Artwork- 68

A collection of gents wearing surgical masks, white suits (why am I thinking Akercocke?) and brandishing umbrellas in a desolate, desert, landscape. Far from the typical extreme audio cover. Do these fellas know something we aren’t privy too? Should we consult the Farmer’s Almanac? But what about the music? Onward…

Thoughts on the First Minute-

An instrumental introduction broken by huge riffs, Prog-esque rhythms and traditional singing. Hmm…I’m intrigued even though this isn’t at all (so far in) traditional of what the description promises.

Remainder of the Album;

Viciousness- 78

Vocals- 85

Infectiousness- 88

Genre- Symphonic Black Metal/Doom/Progressive/Avant Garde

Final Score- 88

Final Thoughts – There are ten tracks here to lose your senses in. Epic qualities abound with experimental elements scattered throughout. Surprisingly, however, this moves with a rhythm its description does not convey. Blast beats cavort with atmosphere, arrangements tip the hat to a variety of genres (even outside of the metal spectrum) and a wide array of vocal approaches make for a listen which is diverse and utterly enchanting. Those with patience, a penchant for Opeth, Amorphis, Cradle of Filth and appreciation of epic extreme audio which relies on more than brutality, gore and growls will find themselves with plenty to discover. Did I mention this runs close to, if not slightly more than, an hour in length? My digit wandering and jumbled thought vomit cannot do this justice.

Worth Tossing Coin at?

Add this gem to the collection pronto!

Eshtadur (Columbia) – From the Abyss

Release- September 2020

Artwork- 78

I’m guessing with close to 100% certainly (huh?) that the artist responsible for this has seen “The Void”. Apparently, he/she liked it such they did their own rendition of the cover art with an upside-down triangle and an acolyte wearing crimson robes. Yes. It’s a fantastic flick if you have yet to see it.

Thoughts on the First Minute-

Symphonic menace, bludgeoning dirge, snarling vokills and a distinct Dissection aura. This is taking no time to attract my attention and it’s using all the right moves to do so.

Remainder of the Album;

Viciousness- 84

Vocals- 88

Infectiousness 89

Genre- Blackened Death/Melodic Death

Final Score- 86

Final Thoughts -Two things; 1) This album slices, shreds and dices a damn sight more impressively than that “Slappy Chopper” TV guy! And 2) Track six. What the hell? I know Cult would say they “Graveworm-ed” it (in reference to a Bonnie Tyler cover found nestled within one of their albums). Seriously in this instance it’s enough to make one wonder if someone has jammed their frequency with a Boy Band hit. Suffice it to say it kinda takes one “out of it”. Nevertheless, one can always skip it and enjoy an album overflowing with Arch Enemy (Ammott Brothers sweeping rhythms, leads and outstanding passionate solo work) At the Gates, Heaven Shall Burn, The Haunted and Behemoth energy, perhaps even a touch of Dissection at times. The album commences with a grandiose nature and switches back and forth to more a melodic Death approach with a touch of Black.  Hey, both work and it’s clear from whom they borrow the influence from. But that one track. Argh-!

Worth Tossing Coin at?

Absolutely, but get that skip digit ready!

Repuked (Sweden)- Dawn of Reintoxication

Release – October 2020

Artwork- 77

Chemical waste, bile, chained individuals and a demonic entity with a whip. This is someone’s hell, not mine but it has the potential to steer a few away from the ‘hard stuff’ I’m sure.

If the audio is anything as alluring as this image is time to break out the boots, camp shorts and inhibitions.

Thoughts on First Minute-

I’m getting an Entombed meets Obituary vibe. Ominous nature abounds. As the first minute winds down a menacing whispering begins. I’m far beyond intrigued.

Remainder of Album;

Viciousness- 74

Vocals- 83

Infectiousness- 86

Genre- OSDM/Brutal Death/HM2/Crust

Final Score- 84

Final Thoughts – Somewhere between Hypocrisy and Grave lies Repuked. Part HM2, part Crust and all bloody sickness dripping in pus, shit and gastric juices. If this sounds familiar, it should. Repuked also bear a bounce, groove and thump to their style reminiscent of mid-era Pungent Stench, the lyrics certainly tell of the influence as well an undeniable Autopsy and, slightly less, Exhumed edge. As an added bonus a plethora of soundbites set the scene. “Shitfister” is perhaps one of my favorites in recent memory; showcasing activities slathered in goretastic undertones and delicious depravity (it actually sounds like Sloth from “The Goonies” might be having a spot of extra-curricular “fun”?) The album stays miles from stale territory in displaying a delightful array of vocal styles, all grunt and growl mind you, in one case it even appears that A Mr. Tardy might be present in the proceedings (but he probably isn’t). Honestly, I wasn’t sure what to think going in, a few of the track titles suggest a juvenile mentality, but the album delivers, depicting the bands adoration of the scene and cult movies. The title track appears an instrumental homage to Goblins with a Carpenter-esque splash tossed in for shits n giggles. I can virtually smell the fear as the undead approach in their shambling manner. This is sure to set a multitude of arenas alight in frenetic movement when and if live events ever become a thing again.

Worth Tossing Coins At?

If OSDM with sick lyrics, soundbites and Groove is your thing this is great way to splurge your savings.

Savage Annihilation (France) – Soumises a la Procreation (EP)

Release – April 2020 (Xenocorp)

Artwork- 84

Debauchery, wickedness and bloodshed, all taking part in a party lit temple. Where can I sign up?

Thoughts on the First Minute-

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out there’s something of a decidedly dark exotic nature going on here. But no body slamming, hair whipping, audio as of yet. What gives?

Remainder of the album;

Viciousness- 85

Vocals- 84

Infectiousness- 84

Genre- Brutal Death/Tech Death/OSDM

Final Score- 84

Final Thoughts – Three originals, a tribute to Slayer’s Jeff Hannemann and two ripping covers (by way of Helloween and Deicide). Their last album delivered, this makes me dripping and (need I mention?) rather moist for the next. In the meantime, this will suffice! Brutal Death with crunch, snap yer neck riffs, breakdowns bordering on Slam and a delicious OSDM vibe.

Worth Tossing Coins at?

A resounding “Hell Yes!”

In Chasms Deep (USA) – The Wind and her Lament

Release- August 2020 (Independent)

Artwork- 82

I’m getting an adult ‘Jack and The Beanstalk’ vibe here. Anyone else? I’m envisioning a huge giant (a ruffian type with no care for others well-being who most probably owns every Pantera album even those from their ‘Glam’ phase) tumbling his way down the “stalk” to chomp on and ravish the nearby villagers (but not necessarily in that order)

Thoughts on the First Minute-

A lazy piano introduction drifts into acoustic guitar territory. Plenty of emotion here with an underlying ominous lurking nature ready to pounce. At this juncture though this could go anywhere. Ill stick with it, I’m in a patient mood.

Remainder of the Album;

Viciousness- 84

Vocals- 78


Genre- Black Metal/Doom/Post/Avant Garde

Final Score- 74

Final Thoughts – Chaotic and Dissonant. Bordering at times on apocalyptic noise with teasing melodic tendrils which wrap themselves sporadically around the audio’s distinct raw nature. A post element is also present and often appears to comfort the audio much like a patient parent placating a enraged bi-polar child mud – tantrum (aren’t all young children bi-polar?) The vocals are often freak force of nature intense adding to the release’s primitive aura, the flipside of which are the aforementioned post elements and plentiful melancholic laden atmosphere. This is a diverse release for sure. A delicate balance of brutality and atmosphere. A stellar one-person accomplishment if truth be told which will, most probably, demand a few listens to fully appreciate. This isn’t your parents Black Metal. It has a depth and intricacy which is uncommon though definitely intriguing to those with an open-mind and the time to invest.

Worth Tossing Coin At?

Yes. A delightful slab of multi- faceted BM to add to the collection.

Ingested (UK) – Where only God’s may Tread

Release- August 2020 (Unique Leader Records)

Artwork- 95

An underworld bakery of sorts? Everyone’s personal hell; falling asleep in a DMV with only the one person attending? Or something more nefarious and diabolical still? This image is certainly up for discussion for those with the time to impart. I’d rather just stare and slowly let my being fall into its allure.

Thoughts on the First Minute-

If you aren’t hooked, salivating and exhausted by the first sixty seconds, you’re probably in a lot better shape than I. But seriously, this offers the listener all they require going in. There are slams, wicked tempo changes, technicality and fury. Clear the room and get ready to move!

Remainder of the Album;

Viciousness- 89

Vocals- 91

Infectiousness- 93

Genre- Brutal/Tech Death/Deathcore/Slam

Final Score- 92

Final Thoughts – Intricate, technical and tight (insert joke here*) but so much more. A seething, hot to the touch, cauldron of Slam, Brutal Death and a handful of blurred boundary sub-genres in between. Though thankfully minus the overboard fretboard and atmospheric gymnastics other acts wallow in. All this and tracks featuring special guests. The one with Kirk Windstein certainly mixes things up (but is that the music from 28 Days Later?) Ingested have done it again, be it mid-tempo menace, slamming riffs, the occasional touch upon atmospheric arenas or chaotic amorphous brutality this is a resounding success sure to please existing fans exhibiting a quality guaranteed to drag more into the fold.

Worth Tossing Coin at?

Tip the couch, smash the neighbors piggy bank, break out the old clothes, a tin can and squat on a street corner. Do whatever you need to. This is a must own!

Law of Contagion (Portugal) – Woeful Litanies from the Nether Realms

Release – August 2020 (Moribund Records)

Artwork- 76

“Feed me, Seymour”. A horned gent with a wicked tooth filled belly wades through, what I would deem, his ‘lunch’. A pair of winged waiters keep the (free range) treats in check. A crimson tinge makes this image pop.

Thoughts on the First Minute-

A raunchy and cavernous Old School vibe bolsters this audio. Blackened and mid-tempo this has me intrigued but not fully committed, quite yet.

Remainder of the Album;

Viciousness- 80

Vocals- 80

Infectiousness- 85

Genre- DeathDoom/Black Metal/Crust

Final Score- 82

Final Thoughts – Plentiful nods to a myriad of influence keeps the senses ticking and the synapses firing. The audio flows like a tempestuous (love that word, only a pity I can’t trademark it) river offering slower passages with an inkling of menace to swifter more dangerous territories which seem to initially tease then devour the senses in a feral manner. With atmosphere throughout, occasional frolicking within other genres, surprising groove and elements of Drone this hits the spot and is sure to leave any patient (for this really isn’t for those who demand instant gratification) listener nodding their head ferociously. Quite the feat for an act with only a single member. I have my ears pinned to the ground (ouch!) for word on future releases.

Worth Tossing Coins at?

Open that wallet, let the green fly!

Night (Sweden) – High Tides, Distant Skies

Release – September 2020 (The Sign Records)

Artwork- 65

If I’m not mistaken (which I probably am) this image is a depiction of a famous bridge in San Francisco. Really says nothing about the music but nevertheless has me intrigued. Weird, how a bridge does that. Hmm…

Thoughts on the First Minute-

Well, this is miles from my normal ‘ear food’. So far in, this sounds like Hard Rock with a tinge of Speed metal. An edge much like early Rainbow in their more energetic moments (with Dio). Needless to say Cult would lose his shit over this, at least based on the sixty seconds which have passed.

Remainder of the Album;

Viciousness- 36

Vocals- 92

Infectiousness- 94

Genre- Hard Rock/Heavy Metal/Speed/Epic Metal

Final Score- 93

Final Thoughts – Fans of Old Man Wizard, King Gorm and Rainbow (Deep Purple, Scorpions and even Dire Straits in instances) with a great many “vintage” acts in between rejoice. Strangely, I’m finding myself entranced. Between the rhythms, this gentleman’s hypnotic voice and the music’s sublime nostalgic aspect, even with its often-varied approach, I’m stricken with an appreciation I never thought this album would, or could, produce. Seriously, this is audio both the new and older generation can agree upon. If not, I honestly don’t know what to say. Perhaps, clean those ears out and develop taste? This deserves attention and I can’t believe I’m saying that as, again, this is universes away from that which usually bounces around in my skull.

Worth Tossing Coin at?

Your wallet might not thank you (I’m not sure what the postage is on this or where it even ships from), but your ears most certainly will!

Tribe of Pazuzu (Canada) – King of all Demons (EP)

Release – March/2020 (Vic Records)

Artwork- 90

Lots of murk, haze and ominous nature on display here. But just who is this menacing fellow? Have I been partaking of another’s “mate” or is it that I owe money to someone? Hah. Who am I kidding, it’s probably both? My cardio is schiite, it’s a good job I’m adept at hiding. Bring it on big fella! Here’s hoping his sense of smell isn’t up to scratch.

Thoughts on the First Minute-

A Thrash riff introduction slaughtered by a Slayer-esque guitar scream followed by more aggressive (tight) rhythms and a vocal approach any fan of the scene can appreciate. A definite malicious aura here slathered in a style one can appreciate without thought. If the rest of tracks on offer are as good as the initial sixty seconds the listener is in for a treat indeedy!

Remainder of the Album;

Viciousness- 85

Vocals- 84

Infectiousness- 86

Genre- Blackened Death/Death/Tech Death/DeathDoom

Final Score- 87

Final Thoughts – Channeling both American and European influence this offers rhythms with intensity and the boisterous potential to snap a multitude of necks. Diabolical menace and wicked vocals paired with top-notch arrangements, undeniable know how, talent and a definite blackened presence make for a listen one will only want to repeat and praise aloud to complete strangers.

Worth Tossing Coin at?

Beg, borrow or steal, for this is a must own!

And what would an Abrasive Audio be without a(t least one) Recc?

Recc via @UniqueHifi

Ambush (Sweden) – Infidel

Release – March 2020 (High Roller Records)

Artwork- 82

I’m not entirely sure if that’s a person, a cross or something else warming the surrounding small village. On closer inspection it’s a form upside down charred to a crisp.

I’d imagine there’s easier ways to remove that annoying hair from the taint, though I’d still much prefer this to waxing (ouch!)

Thoughts on the First Minute-

Heavy and Speed Metal collide with a rhythm which has me tumbling back (a sight which is none too pleasant) to the golden age of NWOBHM. Seriously if you aren’t hooked by the first minute with the stunning combination of vocals and audio you might wanna’ hang up your camo shorts, spikes and battle vest. This is killer. Nuff said!

Remainder of the Album;

Viciousness- 64

Vocals- 94

Infectiousness- 93

Genre- Heavy/Speed/Power Metal

Final Score- 91

Final Thoughts – Lodged somewhere in the crevices between “Thundersteel” Riot, Dokken at their peak and Ozzy Rhodes era material is where this resides. Rhythms are sublime, arrangements spelt DAMN INFECTIOUS complemented by vocals which sport a range which is sure to convert even those, like myself, who don’t normally frequent this corner of the Metal realm. Occasionally its merely a hint of influence and era in other instances it’s like a neon sign, especially with the Grinder esque riffs of “Yperite”.

If you enjoy Speed, Power and melodic metal and have an audio library bursting at the seams with Priest, Maiden, Iced Earth, Halloween and the like you’re going to smirk like a loon. Don’t be surprised if you’re tempted to crank this up to 11 (Spinal Tap reference there).  Bring a cooler full of goodies as you’re gonna be here a while.

Worth Tossing Coin at?

It appears Mr. UniqueHifi delivered again! This is toe – tappingly distracting to the Nth degree.

So that’s a YES, for those who need it spelled out.

Recc via Void (and Plucked Screaming from Metal Past)

Thy Darkened Shade (Greece) – Liber Lvcifer I; Khem Sedjet

Release – October 2014 (World Terror Committee)

Artwork- 84

Is that a nun or an angel? Doesn’t matter, it’s the ectoplasm she’s pulling from her facial cavity which gets me hot and bothered. I’m thinking the two shadowy characters behind her are sporting rod too.

Thoughts on the First Minute-

Gregorian chanting, or close to, and atmosphere. This has tribal leaning and it appears as if it’s about to “break” into something more sinister still. Quality this far in has me more curious than a fuzzy feline happening abruptly upon a mountain of catnip dangling precariously at the entrance to the dripping jaws of a pug.

Remainder of the Album;

Viciousness- 87

Vocals- 89

Infectiousness- 92

Genre- Melodic Black Metal/Blackened Speed

Final Score- 92

Final Thoughts – A 117-minute album which isn’t Doom. Hmmm… The kicker here is that this is all manner of unholy kinds of addictive and impressive. Be it passages of atmosphere-laden BM, intricate pace transformations or blistering Blackened Speed; this has a fluidness which is head- noddingly uncanny, though serpentine. A presence which rivals Rotting Christ (at their finest) and an air of quality which demands attention with a chorus of constant eardrum shattering applause. Did I mention “Epic”? Do I need to? Don’t let the word put you off, this is a must discover for fans of atmospheric/melodic BM. Whatcha’ waiting for? This should seriously be mentioned more when the best releases of the Black Metal genre (the whole, not merely the “Raw” material) is argued and fought over.

Worth Tossing Coin at?

This is another Recc from Void. It goes without even a modicum of discussion. He knows his audio.

Ambassador (USA) – Care Vale

Release – September 2020

Artwork- 74

An angry crimson sky over still water. OK. Where’s the Kraken, pissed off fantastical sea creature, zombies, demons, anything? Apparently, this isn’t one if those albums. Hitting play regardless.

Thoughts on the First Minute-

Post? Prog? I’m not even sure what to call this but its damn infectious. Strong vocals complement the audio. This appears to be radio friendly thus far in but remains, strangely, damn listenable.

Remainder of the album;

Viciousness- 44

Vocals- 89

Infectiousness- 85

Genre- Doom/Sludge/Alternate/Post/Progressive/Rock

Final Score- 83

Final Thoughts – Oddly relaxing and easily “consumable” by most this appears a wicked mashup of Somali Yacht Club, early Deftones (not the pent up aggression-laden “Adrenaline” album) and other acts who prefer atmosphere, slow-build and dissonant rhythms over viciousness and brutality.

Overflowing with emotion and passion this is a release which is certainly growing on me.

Worth Tossing Coin at?

If you have an open mind and willingness to discover this is a fantastic place to drop silver.

Wills Dissolve (USA) – Echoes

Release- August 2020 (Hypnotic Dirge)

Artwork- 76

I’d call this a “Black Hole” but it’s everything but. More rainbow in tone it reminds me to drag my ass outta the bath once the water has finished draining. Imagine being sucked into a vortex of hair and gunk. Where’s the scuba gear?

Thoughts on the First Minute-

Atmosphere, atmosphere and foreboding and yet more atmosphere. Just when is this puppy gonna get going?

Remainder of the Album;

Viciousness- 45

Vocals- 88

Infectiousness- 86

Genre- Progressive/Doom/Black Metal/Avant Garde

Final Score- 89

Final Thoughts – There’s only the one track here. A whopping thirty- two minutes! Hey, Doom genre put that in your pipe and smoke it (whatever that means?) The build is going to be frustrating for those not accustomed to such but for all others it’s more than worth the anticipation and dragging the ears through a landscape which appears to be patching itself together as the audio plays out. The track tells a tale; weaving a narrative of an astronaut on a deep space mission it serves to effectively convey the myriad of emotion one would endure in the same situation; including but not limited to loneliness, madness, exhilaration and dread. Melancholy winds throughout the arrangements as well instances of plunging darkness, and rhythms both delicate, technical and bludgeoning.

In short, this is an album which warrants deep exploration, several spins and patience. It grabs ahold on the first listen, though begs for familiarity, more spins, only to devour the senses the more it’s permitted entry. Influence is far and wide for an experience which is multi-faceted and undeniably spellbinding. I’m gonna spin this a great deal more in the foreseeable future. Strangely, its aura has me in a coddling caress and I’m rather liking it.

Worth Tossing Coin At?

A resounding yes, for those with the patience and a penchant for the Prog.

Black Crown Initiate (USA) – Violent Portraits of Doomed Escape

Release- August 2020

Artwork- 65

A playing card of sorts, although of an unrecognizable suit. I’m honestly not sure what to say about this. Perhaps I should go to college get a slew of degrees then come back to dissect it?

Thoughts on the First Minute-

Folksy percussion with excellent vocals. Not really Metal as of yet but I’m of the mind there’s something seething under the surface about ready to break free.

Remainder of the Album;

Viciousness- 77

Vocals- 85

Infectiousness – 82

Genre – Progressive/Melodic Death/Folk/DeathDoom/Djent

Final Score- 85

Final Thoughts – This is all over the place but in a great and thoroughly entertaining way. The vocals, as well as the music itself, are delightfully varied ranging from throaty growls to clean singing. Arrangements are draped in atmosphere and presence often taking the listener to a calm place before devastating the brief hypnotic spell the listener might have otherwise been enjoying. Chaotic passages give those demanding intensity what they desire whilst calmer moments serve to showcase the bands composing talents, strengths and composition brilliance. I’m eager as to which direction another album might take them.

Worth Tossing Coin at?

Wonderfully diverse for those moments when something “else” is needed to complement the brutality on offer. So, that’s a a Yes!

And To Close Things Out

A Ravaging of the Senses in Hyper-Speed (aka: “a single listen, a few words, I’m out!”)

Carnation (Sweden) – Where Death Lies

Release – September 2020

This is criminally additive! Death Metal executed just the way Daddy likes it (wait, what?) showcasing melody, Old School tendencies, brutality and a slew of recognizable influence mashed together. This is the bands second release. Expect Carnation to be a household name within the next few years.


Reveler (US) – Disembodied Excursions (Demo)

Release – September 2020

Old school DeathDoom here with a side of sickness draped in catacomb-esque qualities. A great start to get their name on the map!


Inanimentum (Ukraine) – Incantations and Rites (Demo)

Release – 2019

Yet another one-person Black Metal outfit to digest. This one, however has hypnotic qualities and atmosphere to spare. Symphonic elements, its relaxed pace and a traditional vocal approach lend it an exquisite occult aura. This is release you can virtually sink into!


Gloriam Satanus (Argentina) – Spell of Possession (Demo

Release – September 2020

I knew South America is absolute fire for evil sounding Thrash but I wasn’t sure about BM. Well, you can now add BM the list. This is fury-laden audio with wicked vocals, exciting rhythms and complementing symphonic atmosphere which rather than detract, only add to the overall experience. With a Demo of this quality one has understandably high hopes for a full length. Can’t wait!


The Infernal Sea (UK) – Call of the Augur

Release- 2012 (Plucked Screaming from Metal Past)

I’ve been scouring Cult’s Twitter (how naughty of me). Saw a few words on the newest by these guys and decided I should dig deeper. And… this doesn’t disappoint. In fact, it’s damn impressive! Great production complements active rhythms and arrangements which are sure to surprise and delight. Far from raw this is melodic though strangely retains an extraordinary presence and menace which (most) fans demand. With this in mind I’m off to discover the rest of their catalogue.


And that’s it!

Until next I’m able to drop my rancid thoughts upon ye,