Posts Tagged ‘Kreator’

Obliterating the Bookmarks (Fall 22)

Well, Cult has gone and done it again!

He’s virtually buried himself in promos with less chance than a popsicle in Hell of making any headway. It doesn’t help that the last couple of months have seen him move across country, vacation in his ‘motherland’ and procure another job (possibly the worst three letter word which exists, on all accounts?) Add to that the fact that laptop took an almighty shit and you might say that Cult has given up? (Which remains to be seen).

So, why should I care?

Fuk it!

To be blunt, I don’t. However, I cannot let all these delicious promos go to waste. What say we discover them together without getting mired down in waffling prose and grammatical dilly-dallying? I’ll try my damdest, though some releases just get the digits twitchin’ in excitement (I’m sure you can empathize). Others might not get so much although this doesn’t necessarily mean they aren’t as good, as you’ll probably find out. As is usual please excuse my spelling, the grammar and my tastes (which nearly came out as ‘testes’. Ha, Ha, Ha!) as they likely to differ dramatically from your own. However, exploration has really steered anyone wrong (actually millions, though their plight is not in line for the purpose of my reasoning).

Dive in, discover an act who could well be your new favorite, or another who could well be one you never knew existed until now.

Lurking (Belgium/Russia) – Self-Induced Hysteria (2 track Demo)

Release – April 22

Like a killer’s blade through the eyeball, this gets the attention, and fast. With only two tracks up for deliberation, and cited influences on point (Gorefest, Vader, and Skeletal Remains) this is guaranteed to leave one sweaty and salivating for more. Shit, if Hideous Divinity (Italy) is giving it props, it must be worth the attention.

And. It. Is. Indeed!

Score – 94

Hilning (Sweden) – Råtijinn

Release – February 22

Black Metal is a take it or leave it genre for me, and honestly it all depends on the level of production. As much as I’d like to be able to get into audio which seems like it was recorded into a boom box inside of a dumpster (on fire) located in the most remote part of a Scandinavian Forest in a rainstorm, I really cannot. I never claimed to be Kvlt cannot. What we have here however teeters on the fence. The production has a primal bite, a ferociousness (should I mention “Hamnbyte” climaxes with what appears to be a bear capturing his prey and feasting?) associated with 2nd wave BM and a great many DIY releases though it also offers a crispness; the riffs are cutting, fuck that’s dangerous, sharp. A symphonic backdrop adds a grandiose nature which fans of Emperor will devour without complaint and there’s also the slightest chefs kiss of folk, even instances of mantra-esque chanting to take this to another enthralling height of damn-!

In essence. This delivers most everyone which I could hope (except a battered sausage, chips, and mushy peas) and all executed by a single fn’ genius who’s responsible for everything. I’m literally blown away. This is stuck in my ears and I have zero complaints!

Score – 94

Black Void (Norway) – Anitithesis

Release – May 22

And what the bloody hell do we have here?

The cover really gives nothing away; this could be any manner of things. But it isn’t. What it in fact contains and displays is a mixture of styles. Primarily D-beat and Crust, it also borrows from a wide range of extreme audio arenas to surprise. It has groove, a fair bit of ‘clean’ singing, plentiful grooves and rhythms which hint at a wide range of influence though execute the melding of such into a masterful concoction. In fact, if this album were food, it would be a buffet, and I would gorge till my insides explode to cover a wide radius.

Score – 97

Bodyrot (Canada) – Fleshworks

Release – February 22

If Disrupt are your ‘cup of tea’ but you’d always thought they might sound infinitely more ‘boner-inducing’ (sorry ladies) drenched in filth, grime and effluent, then this is what you’re likely hankering for. And it is indeed the case here! There’s only about eight minutes of audio but it’s more than enough to raise the heckles, have one drag the moonshine from the basement and start a pyre in the backyard to dance around like a complete nelly. Just me? I could literally listen to this up until the point I resembled the poor fella on the cover.

Score – 95

Bloated Pig (Canada) – 6

Release – September 22

I’m guessing the album art (a moody looking horned fellow awash in a varied sea of crimson) is going to yank the eyes of most into its direction. It did mine! Obviously, the band’s moniker teased my curiosity, and why wouldn’t it? I’m hungry for a tasty sandwich.

In regards to the tunes on offer… catchy is a word that works extremely well.

The music is that of a dark tone, it has pace, bounce (whatever that means?) and is complemented by evil sounding vocals (who doesn’t appreciate that accompaniment?) of the unhurried kind. Stylistically the mix melds Crust, Rock and Sludge in equal parts, as well injections of Thrash riffage to spike the adrenaline. There’s influence here from across the extreme audio spectrum and in plentiful supply, perhaps this is what makes this so familiar and easily consumable? This is an obviously arguable point, but what isn’t is that this is so damn enjoyable. And it came from out of nowhere!

Recommended for fans of Acid Bath, Black Label Society, Byzanthian Neckbeard, Mastodon, Conan and other acts who drench their audio output in sludge qualities which are tar thick and criminally infectious.

Score – 93

Inner Decay (USA) Enter the Void

Release – May 22

Borrowing heavily from Bolt Thrower, Hypocrisy and a slew of American “chuggery” peddlers this offers mid-tempo and ‘bounce’ aplenty without wallowing within arenas most would consider “Brootal”. Splashes of doom, a variety of pace, fantastic production, and the occasional cosmic vibe lift this from same old, same old, waters making this more accessible than most and obviously open to a wider audience. I’ll admit without regret that I’m diggin this.

Score – 83

Anachronistic (S.Korea/Poland) – 700 and 19 Ways of Decay

Release – March 22

With a cover boasting a motif which is part “Resident Evil” and part Argento’s “Demons” one could say I became rather excited to give this a listen. Unfortunately, the album doesn’t live up to the stunning cover arts unspoken promises. The production is muddy, the percussion largely uninventive (think The Exploited with playful Crust elements with a splash of Grindcore), the brutish vocals wear out their welcome quickly and quite honestly the tracks could have been dramatically condensed for better effect. Otherwise, this is rather listenable, a single track at a time, a filler if you will, to whet the appetite for the main course (whatever slice of audio that might in fact be).

Score – 58

Distrüster (Poland) – Sic Semper Tyrannis

Release – September 22

It’s hard to know what to expect given the albums cover art. Is this going to be Epic Power metal, a Heavy fantastical based audio journey or a Speed metal affair with influences plucked from plentiful 80’s acts whose style often remained barely a stone’s throw from Thrash arenas.

Thankfully, it’s neither. This is somewhat raw Crust and because of this I’ve a shit-eating grin plastered across my chops. You see I’m a fan of acts like Wolfbrigade and Disrupt, and a style which is aggressive, rather swift and poised to incite a riot given a moment’s notice. The vocals here are varied, but only slightly differing from that which one might expect. The angst Punk edge is there, as well an occasional ‘shriek’ which breaks things up and keeps the uninitiated from nodding off. Rhythms more than hint at d-beat sensibilities and the slightest tendency to want to meander down OSDM paths ala vintage Terrorizer.

In short, I’m pleased to report this brings to the table all that a fan of the genre could hope while adding a little something to the traditional/expected parameters of said audio parameters. It demands to be played at a volume which tests the limits of audio equipment and warrants attention from those whose curiosity often transports them from familiar territories into those which serve to broaden their musical enjoyment.

If your tastes are anything like mine this will make the limbs twitch and the vertebrae violently contort. Hide your valuables and clear the room of breakables, before it’s too late.

Score – 94

Belushi Speed Ball (USA) – What, Us Worry?

Release – May 22

From the art one might wonder what they might be getting into. And they’d be correct in their raised eyebrow observation, for this isn’t a normal album. In the slightest.

Think for a moment upon the stylistic antics of MOD, SOD, the humor, the social commentary, the catchy riffs, and the humor (whoops I already said that!). Then add a sprinkle of Macabre (yes, the Serial Killer obsessed death peddlers), a dash of that which the Canadian audio terrorists within VHS bring to the table, and a heaping helping of Crotch Duster (minus the chaotic genre mashing gymnastic antics).

Belushi Speed Ball are having fun, it shows and they refuse to adhere to the strict rules most others abide by. If comedic Thrash/Speed/Punk (as a bonus, there’s an added ‘Grind’ release tagged on the album’s finale) laden with skits (although the band also offers a skit-free version) isn’t your thing you’ll want to steer clear of this. However, if you don’t have a stick in your butt, like to laugh, believe life really is a bowl of cherries deserved of whipped cream and a large dose of “fucking chill dude” and are willing to smirk like one possessed by a lunatic clown on mushrooms, this is where you’ll want to park the ears for a spell. And I said I wouldn’t waffle. Shit-! Some albums, like this one (right here), are deserved of such.

Score – 88

Aquilla (Poland) – Mankind’s Odyssey

Release – February 22

Yes, it was the Barbarian on the cover who pulled me in! Now, the music itself is of the variety which usually has me searching for the nearest trash can to vomit into. But oddly, not in this case. Weird. For this has falsetto vocals and all the Power Metal trappings one could possibly ask for, but (for some reason) it still isn’t enough to send me scampering for the hills. The cavalcade of riffs and rhythms are criminally infectious, though I’m not gonna lie there are Glam instances which tease and tickle the gag reflex and a few passages which bring to mind 80’s synth laden celluloid adventures. Eh, it’s a mixed bag, truth be known, though still deserved of discovery for those with a varied scope of enjoyment derived from all that the mellower end of the metal spectrum offers.

Score – 71

Evile (UK) – Hell Unleashed

Release – April 21

Holy fugsticks Batman!

This has me flailing my limbs as if I’m stuck in perpetual seizure. Who knew Thrash this unholy in greatness and relative freshness still oozed from the historical landscapes of the UK?

Everything about this screams buy me, and play me till you drop from exhaustion.

Score – 95

Lord Belial (Sweden) – Rapture

Release – May 22

Combine atmosphere, shredding rhythms, varied pacing, and vicious vocals and you’ll likely know what’s on offer but add fantastic production and you might start to second guess your initial assumption.

Well, I’m here to tell you can have everything mentioned, as is the case with this album. It isn’t the first by the band, or even the second, this is the band ninth full-length in a career spanning close to thirty years. The question remains then, why does this sound as good as it does (surely the caliber should have dipped some by now?) The quality here is ungodly, the percussion wicked, dripping in ominous qualities aplenty and the vocals top- notch. Seriously, these seasoned fellas bring it and this release has me wondering why it is that this is the first I’m hearing of the band.

Lay your senses upon this at the next given opportunity.

Score – 91

Vidres a la Sang (Spain) – Fragments de l’esdenevir

Release – July 22

Well, this was quite the surprise. Boasting vocals of the vintage Moonspell variety and a style which is draped in menace, melancholy and malevolence yet strangely far removed from typical Black, Death or even Blackened Death depths (say that three times fast) this delivers the chills one can only obtain from discovering an artist’s mastery for the first time. Now lyrics are in Spanish so I’m not sure if it’s a grocery list being recited, frustrations from raising fuel prices or anything else equally as mundane. However, this matters not one iota, as this has that certain presence that leaves a lasting impression.

Score – 91

The Atrophic (USA) – Coagulating Mirth

Release – July 22

There are four tracks on offer here and the band promises catchiness and melody within a genre which they believe has been lacking of late and in demand of such (to paraphrase). So, does this deliver?

Joined by a renowned drummer, whose talent blatantly shines, the band serve up riffs and vicious rhythms aplenty and, yes, melodies within a multitude of whirlwind compositions. Even though in instances this borders on Deathcore, it still displays that which fans demand; timing changes aplenty, technical intricacies and a vocal approach which doesn’t toss a spanner in the works (or in this case the “album’s” enjoyment). And it isn’t wildly experimental, slightly more accessible than most, and as brutal, but thankfully this doesn’t choose to drag its listeners into talent show look what I can do realms. And for that I thank it.

In short, the four tracks here are like an appetizer, a taste if you will for that which is to follow, and I’m left chomping at the proverbial bit.

Score – 87

A Fitting Revenge (USA) – Omnipresence

Release – July 22

This might not be quite as heavy as my usual ear fodder, but it’s melodious, catchy and stoopid infectious with only a few twiddly ‘Unicorn sprinkle bits’ (clean singing and cosmic Prog interludes) to hamper the overall enjoyment. Fans of Killswitch Engage and Lamb of God might enjoy parking the fleshy audio catchers here for a few.

Score – 78

Werewolves (Australia) – From the Cave to the Grave

Release – June 22

Three albums in as many years and zero indication of slowing down. This is yet another example of the in-your-face composition geniuses behind The Berserker and Antichrist Imperium. A face-melting melding of Grindcore, Blackened Death and Dirge with just enough nods to classics of yore to leave one’s head spinning.

Yet again Werewolves have created a release displaying enough firepower, beats, riffs, and attitude to level a continent. And here I was thinking they couldn’t get any better. Boy, was I mistaken!

Score – 96

Fear Disease (Belgium) – Floodgates

Release – September 22

There’s ‘melo-death’ and then there’s ‘melo-death’. Let’s face it, everyone and their sister plays this stuff. Thankfully Fear Disease know how to lay down compositions which make an impact. For a debut, this is godly, top tier, (melodic) audio. Shit, even without its debut status it’s still damn impressive. There’s crunch, fantastic bludgeoning production, memorable riffs, flowing rhythm to give those neck muscles a work out, brutish (OSDM British styled) vocals and not a single note which seems (to my ears anyway) out of place. But best of all no sprinkle Unicorn, rainbow-laden introductions, or breakdowns.

Seriously, these guys know how to elevate the playing field, and they have, for this is a release which looks down upon the genre and sneers in disdain. Jump on this and expect to have it in the playlists for some time to come.

Score – 97

Exocrine (France) – The Hybrid Suns

Release – June 22

Tech-Death that’s faster than the decline of NASCAR following the Trump presidency, guitar wizardry which doesn’t decline into cosmic too-cool-for-the-room wankery. And hooks to reel in not even slightly interested or hungry Megalodons (now that’s impressive!).

Count me in! And this obliterates all those requirements and more. This is so impressive in fact that I’m not even gonna quip about it originating from the land of Croissants, Cafes, The Louvre and drinking straight from a bottle which outdates the Vatican. Whoops!

But seriously, if the genre (or extreme metal in general) is one of your go-tos, direct the attention towards this and stat!

Score – 97

WarClown (USA) – Agents of Chaos

Release – July 22

What the F is a WarClown?

It matters not – the band have my attention! Channeling the inner spirit of Phil Anselmo (or, is it Kyle Thomas?) on a vocal level and the style Pantera are renowned for, WarClown are peddling that which is somewhat on the border of Hardcore, Crossover and Groove. This is undeniably influenced by the obvious though strangely still exudes its own allure in spades. I’m left wondering what Rex and the gang might think. Regardless, this demands to be played at a volume which the neighbors are sure to appreciate and certainly lives up to the foretaste of several spins.

Give these guys a listen, if the abovementioned acts (Exhorder and the other) reside on your playlists.

Score – 87

In Pain (Sweden) – The Thing from the Grave

Release – October 22

The disoriented looking rotting fellow stumbling around on the cover and the not quite so subtle track list about says it all. There’s little mystery here, this is yet another OSDM project from out of Sweden. Surprise, surprise (where’s Cilla?) though, this doesn’t include Rogga, it is mastered at Sunlight.

Honestly the lyrics aren’t going to win any literary prizes, the rhythms are the typical part Six Feet Under, part Entombed, part Bolt Thrower and it works to sate for the most part. It doesn’t reinvent the wheel but it hits the spot for those hankering for more of the same Horror ‘themed Metal chuggery, albeit with a seasoned edge.

Score – 77

Primal Fear – s/t debut

(A reissue. So, it’s not technically “new”)

Release – July 22

Listening to these guys for the first time I’m left wondering if the great Rob Halford turns towards this band when hankering to listen to Judas Priest with splashes of Helloween and less of himself. In short, the vocal styling is eerily similar, even in instances the composition, although I will mention that this includes decidedly more Hard Rock and Shred, occasionally akin to rhythms found in earlier Ozzy material. But, WTF do I know? Seriously. I’m liking this more than I thought I would. Admittedly, even the filler track(s) have their moments.

Score – 83

GWAR (Antarctica?) – The New Dark Ages

Release – June 22

Just me, or is this stoopid catchy? In a hard rock meets punk meets heavy metal kind of a vein. Have GWAR (all Caps and a moniker which many still don’t know the meaning of) decided to concentrate more on the music? The lyrical content remains chock full of bizarre silliness and there’s laughs to be had in every verse, but the percussion… I’m digging this on multiple levels. Perhaps more than I should? Fug it, it’s time to see these purveyors of deviant carnality live.

Score – 86

Faceless Burial (Australia) – At the Foothills of Deliration

Release – October 22

There’s a reason why this release is garnering such attention. This is undeniably Death Metal of the highest order, though of the variety which is far removed from that which the casual listener might get excited about. Basted in technicality and passages drenched in genius composition the style here nods at a variety of elements, namely the diabolical, technical arenas and the arcane. Naturally chuggery makes appearances though the visits are never tedious or bordering on the uncomfortable. Chunky riffs bludgeon the listener as well passages of whirlwind, fleeting, nostalgia. All, in all this is a release which is likely to grow on the listener following several listens, there’s plenty to unpack here. Although a first listener is more than enough to have one setting aside the must get to pile of audio in order that more attention be rightfully paid to this.

Score – 93

Zarraza (Kazakhstan) – Kreated in Blood

(3- track “covers” EP)

Release – July 22

Familiar? Sure. That is where this gets the attention. The cover art is obviously homage. And, if you don’t know to what (or whom) you should, at this point, likely exit, perhaps do a little research and return (if you so wish?)

Tackling a trio of covers isn’t easy, and most would likely avoid these (or the concept of an EP bearing only other people’s tracks) like the plague. Zarraza however have chosen to jump in. Not only jump in, but with gusto. Even so far as to implement an instrument which is rather foreign to the arena. Yes, much like bagpipes, in the case of Korn. But, does it work? Well, not always. Though one does need to add points for willingness and creativity. Surprisingly, the instruments add a chilling effect, a little extra dimension (if you will) to separate these interpretations from that of countless others on offer boasting little to zero reason to revisit. In regards to the covers themselves, Zarraza bring the goods, the talent (in both the percussion and vocal departments), the execution, and an acceptable amount of experimentation (thankfully this side of bonkers, batshit, this is way too crazy for me to want to stay at this party) to elicit further exploration over and above that of an initial spin. Sure, the timing on “Raining Blood” might be slightly off, but it’s more than acceptable (in my opinion, although I’m sure others night not be forgiving of such a “trespass”) given the overall quality on display. Lay the ears on this with an open mind, drop your prejudices at the door and enjoy.

Score – 84

Disgusting Perversion (Germany) – Remember Me

Release – October 22

Firmly grasping a tried and trusted formula DP (this saves on digit wear and tear and the abbreviation sounds infinitely more ‘naughty’) peddle a style which distinctly displays their influences; think Unleashed meets Master meets Grave, with a side of Death Doom ala Obituary. Naturally, there’s more on offer; sprinkles of Death (on the verge of adding Prog to their mix) plenty of melody, nods to the almighty Celtic Frost, and (in the same tone) groove enough (that’s not overpowering) to get excited about. However, to state that DP reinvent the wheel is a gross over stepping of the truth. Get past an album title which sounds more like a Mariah Carey track (does anyone else here watch here performances in mute, in hopes a wardrobe malfunction will rear its ugly head?) and you’re sure to have a ton of fun with what this act and album offers. I’ll even be so bold as to state that this offering, if given half the chance, will propel the band to a level of recognition the quality here deserves. Kman on Twitter (the only place you really need to visit to get your rundown on what’s happening in the metal world on a week to week release basis) certainly thought so and gave this his ‘Fire in the Hole’ best of the week Recc.

Score – 91

Eaten by Sharks (Canada) – Eradication

Release – August 22

A nautical themed act who chooses not to employ Jaws as part of their logo. Hmmm… Expecting plunging drops, Spielberg inspired soundbites, and stabbing riffs, I was surprised to discover this is more Tech, Deathcore and melody based. Though that’s not to say that the aforementioned elements aren’t here. A wicked mixture of Drowning Pool (vocal wise), Dying Fetus, Archspire, a swath of youthful energy, and dark humor, this grabs the attention and quick gleefully pulling the listener into the depths (ha, I’ll admit I’m not too inventive with my thoughts on this one). But seriously, this utilizes movement aplenty, an excitable trident (see what I did there?) pronged vocal assault and enough pace transformations to leave any Tour de France participant wanting to willingly sacrifice themselves to the monsters of the Deep. This is fun, park the ears upon it when given the chance to do so.

Score – 86

Riot City (Canada) – Electric Elite

Release – October 22

Admittedly, there’s quite the buzz about this release. And. Wait for it… it’s actually rather fn’ impressive! The vocalist has pipes the devil would be proud of and the percussion has enough galloping and wicked solos to leave any fan of the bygone golden era of HM salivating. So, is it safe to say this is a good album, well duh. It’s bloody tits mate. Are Riot City the new face of the recent resurgence of HM? Quite possibly.

One thing is for certain, if acts like Maiden, Judas Priest, Dokken and Queensreich are still played in your house (literally plentiful years removed from their finest hour) then Riot City are the next logical leap forward. And apparently, they’re only getting better, I guess I’ve got a spot of research to pounce upon. Until then I’m wearing this tale (gotta go retro) out.

Score – 95

Thirteen Goats (Canada) – Servants of the Outer Dark

Release – July 22

Thirteen Goats, but only one featured on the cover. Seriously WTF? This thought however soon subsides as the first track rips its way through the senses. An avalanche of vocal styles, riffs plucked from a multitude of Extreme arenas and damnable infectious composition. It’s like Thrash meets Power meets Blackened Death and this is only the first track.

The craziness continues (nine tracks of in yer face, “what are genres again” antics to be exact); there’s humor, references to Jugollos, a style akin to (Thrash) Crossover, maniacal laughter, a spot of Hardcore, and neck breaking riffs aplenty. Did I mention the riffs? For there’s plenty of them and these guys deliver. Seriously, this might not be what you’re expecting but it’s a ton of fun. And I’m sure if the live shows match what the quality here hints at, they’re be quite the event to witness. Though I doubt many would volunteer for the live ‘Scanners reenactment’.

Score – 88

Consumption (Sweden) -Necrotic Lust

Release – August 22

With the promo material surrounding this sporting “Carcass” as every other word, and the band even going so far as to employ Jeff Walker (for a guest spot) my intrigue was smothered to literal suffocation.

So then, what about the album?

Well, it employs familiar hooks and rhythms associated with said band, though thankfully not to overkill realms, the album makes great use of Vincent Price soundbites (likely plucked from the same movie which vintage era Theatre of Tragedy wrote a college thesis upon), and the style wallows in the same nefarious antics, rotting cadaver landscape which Necroticism (Descanting the Insalubrious) literally carved. There’s lots to enjoy here; groove aplenty, melody frolics with bludgeoning metal slapping (whatever that means) riffs, and rhythms evoke vistas in darkened environments one cannot possibly unseen. In short, this is a fantastic album which undeniably brings to mind past audio shenanigans from the Grinding, medically encyclopedic lyrically obsessed, Brits though boasts enough maniacal composition ingenuity to excite sufficient praise, based on its own merit.

Score – 89

Traitor (Germany) – Exiled to the Surface

Release – July 22

Much like Traitors last the cover art is what yanks potential listeners in, the music is what makes them stay. Barely this side of the Thrash/Death divide, the audio here is aggressive, swift and no nonsense mosh pit fodder. The vocals make one think of Mille from Kreator, while the rhythms invoke Destruction, Sodom, Tankard, Kreator and Whiplash. All in all, it doesn’t get much better than this. Naturally, the band decided to throw a wrench in the works and test the listeners patience by including a cover of a Wham! track. Strangely, it’s somewhat bearable, intriguing as it’s definitely Thrash in tone, if more than a little cheesy (like changing the word ‘dance’ to ‘mosh makes it infinitely more consumable?) But it isn’t that what skip buttons were designed for?

Regardless of the silliness, Traitor have released another winner!

Score – 89

Go back in time with me

Vintage Shit!

Kreator (Germany) – Endless Pain

Release – 85′

Let’s face it, early NOISE recordings are the shit. Add to that the artwork of this and Pleasure to Kill and the temptation is difficult to ignore. With the temptation out of the way and the PLAY button fully smashed one’s only left with the quandary; is this Speed, Thrash or Black Metal. As it could seriously be either. Fret not however, for this silliness soon subsides as hair starts to flail (although you’d be damned to lucky to have any if you can remember when this was actually released), the neck becomes the most important part of the body and the immediate surrounding transform into mere putty, obstacles to collide into as the spirit of mosh takes complete and utter possession of the psyche.

Defacement (The Netherlands) – Deviant

Release – January 19

Now this is all-encompassing. It’s suffocating and unrelenting, a brutal beat- down (if truth be told), though strangely hypnotic. Wave upon wave of bludgeonment (ha! This isn’t even a word!), a cavalcade of audio punishment to leave one bruised, battered though smirking like an absolute loon. Fans of the Cavernous, the Old School, and the slightest different, though oddly infectious, take note fir this is a location you’ll want to park the senses upon and for, likely, an extended period of time.

Score – 96

Unto Others (USA) – Strength

Release – September 21

Even a “forced” changed moniker won’t keep these fellas down. This serves up Hard Rock with sufficient spot-on nostalgia, exuberance and energy to leave one rummaging through their dusty vinyl stash in hopes to recapture their youth. A fantastic cleanser for those days when you can’t decide what to have bouncing between the ears.

Score – 82

Outer Heaven (USA) – Realms of Eternal Decay

Release – October 18

You guessed it! The albums art gives it all away. Cosmic zombies tearing the flesh from unfortunate otherworldly hikers, primates armed with thigh bones bearing nothing but ill-intent within their murderous glassy eyed stares. All amidst a landscape rife with festering fungi, technicolor remains of those who’ve succumbed to death’s clawing embrace, and quite possibly the sharpest, sneakily dormant, Lego pieces any bare foot could ever hope to avoid stepping upon.

But in all seriousness, this is draped in grime, coated in groove, happily bludgeons away like a malcontent blind barbarian and checks all the boxes one whose penchants stretch to disgusting death/doom could wish.

Score – 89

Bathory (Sweden) – Under the Sign of the Black Mark

Release – 87′

A great deal can happen in 35 years; birth, death, marriage, illness. But it’s always great to know that there’s medicine of the kind which doesn’t come in a bottle or tablet form which one can partake, a healing elixir in audio form. Music of the kind which clears the mind, transporting one back (in a primitive vehicle) to a simpler, less complicated, landscape, an exciting arena sprouting with fresh ideas, unexplored paths and structures blossoming in a myriad of direction from roots which many believed would never get given the chance to mature. A foundation within which Bathory have their name etched and whose influence continues to inspire. This was not the first, their last, or arguably even their finest hour, but for me remains that one offering which evokes the most emotion.

How about a new section?

A single spin, a blunt score, and no silly words to get in the way.

No Words Necessary

Sword – Metalized



(Heavy Metal)


Candy – Heaven is Here

June 22




Trench Foot – Moral Obscenity

June 22

United Kingdom

(OSDM/Grindcore/Dirge/Death Metal)


Tailgunner – Crashdive (EP)

June 22

United Kingdom

(Heavy Metal/NWOBHM)


(An Adracom Recc)

Invoker – Invoking the Evil

June 22




(Another Adracom Recc)

Severe Torture- Fisting the Sockets

June 22

The Netherlands

(Brutal/OSDM/Tech/Death Metal)


Hashishian – Hashishian

June 22


(Psych/Stoner Rock/Drone/Doom)


Dance With the Dead – Driven to Madness

January 22


(Synth/Trance/Cinematic/Symphonic/Instrumental/Hard Rock/Metal)


Circle of Silence – Walk Through Hell

May 22


(Power/Heavy/Thrash Metal)


Gnome – King

May 22


(Stoner Rock/Doom/Groove)


Iron Tomb – Vile Retribution

June 22

United Kingdom

(OSDM/Death Metal)


Rave in Fire – Sons of a Lie

April 22


(Heavy/Power Metal/Hard Rock)


Corpse Worship – Necroresonance

June 22


(Brutal/Death Metal/D-beat)


Mass Worship – Portal Tombs

February 22




And this is where the large lady would be vibrating her tonsils, if only I could afford such.

– B

Void’s Used and Abused – Late 21

No. No. No. I meant the bands Dismember and Impaler

Every once in a great while I find my Inbox graced with an article (admittedly more a few words on recent acquisitions) from my metal lovin’ friend Void. Of course, anyone who converses with this quiet, introverted, Canadian is of the understanding that his audio penchants decidedly lean more toward the less visited area of the metal spectrum, the darkest corner. A realm surrounded in mists of controversy, smoke animating from smoldering churches and shadows thrown by scattered inverted crucifixes. But enough of my meandering diatribe, what say I just post his scribbles?

Here, may I present the newest Used and Abused (I just know the spellchecking device on my laptop is about to go into convulsions). I’ll try my best to find audio examples so that you might be able to come to your own conclusions.

Kreator – “Endless Pain” (LP, 1985, Banzai Records)

Kreator – “Pleasure to Kill” (LP, 1986, Banzai Records)

These two albums are unprecedented in their quality, influence and savagery. Although these original pressings on Banzai Records are recent pickups, I’ve owned CD versions for decades and I still can’t figure out which I prefer; Endless Pain has a cool traditional heavy metal vibe to it while Pleasure to Kill is balls to the wall violence (editor’s note: “Under the Guillotine” remains my favorite Kreator track).

But you already know this, so I’m just going to gush over how beautiful these versions are; considering these are around 35 years old, (Ed; Jeez that makes me feel ancient) they’re in pristine condition, and the speed metal swirl on the Endless Pain cover fills my black heart with sardonic joy.

Mortado – “Mortado” (CD, 2008, self-released)

What an odd little release we have here. I’m not gonna lie, this is a bit of an awkward affair; things don’t quite line up perfectly, and we’ve got a fairly generic black / thrash approach with some occasional tempo changes to slow things down for emphasis. A reasonable break is deserved by Mortado for this simply being a rehearsal demo, but there’s a lot of work left to be done. Not terrible, but a quirky curiosity at best. (Ed; Sorry Void, I could only find Sodoma by Mortado. Is this what you meant? here’s also a band with the same name from Italy who play Thrash though who bear a strangely happy demeanor, it can’t be them, right?)

Bestia Arcana – “To Anabainon ek tes Abyssu” (CD, 2011, Daemon Worship Productions)

The works of Naas Alcameth are very distinctive, and Bestia Arcana are no different; bearing considerable similarity to Nightbringer but with somewhat more ambience, Bestia Arcana’s debut is a harrowing listen, a downward plummet into the swirling darkness with no reprieve.  To Anabainon ek tes Abyssu lays the groundwork for the formidable follow up Holókauston, but that is not intended to suggest that this album is any less complete; it will swallow you whole and engulf you.

Dead Congregation – “Purifying Consecrated Ground” (CD, 2005, Konqueror Records)

I already had the Enucleation reissue of this, but I hate digipaks so I grabbed this one. Yes, I’m one of those.  Anyways, this shit rips, even if it’s not on the level of the subsequent albums.

Wolven Ancestry – “The Wrath of Gaia” (CD, 2007, Archaic North Entertainment)

A fairly obscure little band from northern Ontario and despite some goofy band photos and ridiculously long and meaningless song titles, they managed to pull it together where it counted and released a pretty good album here. Although not something immensely original, The Wrath of Gaia is some well-performed black metal with nice atmospheric touches, not unlike early Gehenna. Surprisingly good, recommended.

Rotting – “Crushed” (CD, 2007, self-released)

The cliched album cover of someone dead and bleeding is an unfortunate choice, since it gives the impression of being a third-rate goregrind band that isn’t worth your time. The fact is, however, that these Canadian boys played monstrously catchy death metal that paired crushing brutality with chunky-as-fuck riffs; think of Baphomet / Banished crashing into old Suffocation. Pair that up with a killer and rabid vocal performance, and Crushed is an absolute winner. This self-released version is a reissue of the 1998 original, with some bonus demo and live tracks added.

Tiamat – “Wildhoney” (CD, 1994, Century Media Records)

Ah, Tiamat. I have a difficult history with Tiamat.  You see, as a lover of sick, occult death metal, I worship Sumerian Cry and the preceding Treblinka material, an era that was far too short for my liking. I, being stuck in my “death metal or bust” phase, spent a lot of time listening to The Astral Sleep or Clouds trying to find another Sumerian Cry buried in there somewhere.  It was, of course, was a miserable failure, and I dismissed the albums, but the bigger crime is that it prevented me from enjoying the albums for what they actually are (Ed; Is Void going “Soft”?). Recently revisiting this era of Tiamat with no expectations has proven rewarding; taking cues from The Sisters of Mercy and Fields of the Nephilim while venturing into heavy, doomy passages and, yes, the occasional, fleeting moments that echo their death metal past, Wildhoney is a great album that I’m late to the game with through my own stubbornness.

Excrecor – “Synchronicity” (CD, 2010, self-released)

It’s rare that I pick up a release that I have virtually zero expectations going in, but after picking this up based on the cover alone, this is one of them. Excrecor play melodic death metal with a sci-fi tinge to it, and I’m happy to report that while melodic it’s not overly watered down. It doesn’t flirt with clean vocal choruses and that kind of silliness; it keeps it fast and heavy, and I guess something like Gates of Ishtar would be a decent point of comparison.  It’s not something I’d go to the ends of the earth to hunt down, but it’s an entertaining little curiosity.

Bazzah – “Death Is All I See…” (CD, 1996, Nebiula Production)

So, I love the 80s/90s Malaysian extreme metal scene, and this is one that I was missing; imagine my confusion and elation at finding this hanging out in the basement record store.  Stoked. I feel like this album cover is misleading; kind of like the aforementioned Rotting album no one would blame you for expecting some kind of shitty goregrind or something, but what we actually have is some excellent, dark black metal. Strongly influenced by the Norwegian scene but also infusing some Beherit stylings, Bazzah nevertheless manage to capture their own sound for what is a fairly fresh take on black metal. Highly recommended.

Unleashed – “Midvinterblot” (CD, 2006, Steamhammer)

Released during a particularly fruitful time for enslaved where they were releasing a new album every two years for a decade, Midvinterblot marked a notable upswing in quality after the terrible “Hell’s Unleashed” and okay at best “Sworn Allegiance.” Although it has a couple of cringe-inducing moments (‘Psycho Killer’ lyrics I’m looking at you), by and large Midvinterblot is a quality release with some legitimate fist-pumping tracks that far outweigh the bad, and sits comfortably as one of Unleashed’s better releases (Ed; I much prefer their vintage material also).

And, as if stepping in a giant yawning abyss, Void is abruptly gone, leaving just his recommendations and prose to have us searching, scrambling around for audio obscurities like ravenous hyenas smelling a fresh kill.

Until the next time I have the honor to format and post another “Void dropping of the obscure and obscene” (hey, I rather like that, what say I rename this “piece” next time?) keep supporting the scene, regardless of your tastes.

Cult (&Void)