Posts Tagged ‘Grand Cadaver’

The Hideous, The Diabolical, The Obscene and the Serene
(A Commentary, of sorts, on Extreme Audio Art Which Enthralls)
Part the Forth

So, what gives? Well, when you attempt to lay words upon albums (on an everyday basis for there so much on offer upon which to lay comment upon) some descriptions tend to sound much the same. It’s difficult admittedly, to scribble descriptively one brutal bands style from another all the while giving them the props they deserve. There’s only so many words which work adequately, one has to be creative in all honesty, the dictionary only has so letters, and my thesaurus is falling apart at the spine.  So, I thought to myself let’s have fun in another way. What about laying words upon the accompanying art? And that’s where many might tune out. Obviously, there are those about who already specialize in such. The Heaviest of Art come to mind. They do a fantastic job and I don’t mean to tread on any toes. But seriously, who at this point hasn’t heard of Ed Repka, Dan Seagrave, or Juanjo?
I promise to approach things a little differently, be warned though as levity might feature heavily in my scribbles rather than a direct appreciation of an image so obviously deserved of such.
Not one to totally give up on something without giving it a chance to breathe, I’ve decided to try my hand at the Art centered review piece yet again.
Need I state that opinions are my own and that they might not necessarily reflect your own, or that the humor included might be light years removed from that which tickles your own particular fancy. But, hey, it’s a creative outlet, and I’m abusing the shit out of my freedom and the given opportunity to do so.
What say we get this audio shindig started…

Hooker Spit (Canada) – Krötch Splitter
July 23 – Independent

The Art
Terrifier meets Coraline meets Scooby-Doo; there’s definitely something here for the twisted (like myself), who appreciate a little naughtiness and ‘flesh’ with their gore (are there any other unapologetic B movie fans out there?) and all in a delightfully jaded, larger than life, comic book esque tone. We seriously need an animated series based on this characters zany antics. I wonder if Tim Burton might be free to direct?
The Audio
Catchy, highly infectious and pleasingly melodic (dramatically moreso than likely expected), coupled with an unrelenting twin-pronged vocal assault this puts the hooks in within no time at all. The effect is an album which pleases from first to last, sure to perk the interest of those left wanting since (Trevor) Strnard’s departure from this world.

Utilize the Remains (New Zealand) Psychotic Abyss
August 23 – Independent

The Art
Vivid, neon and so full of grotesque, intriguing, details I’m tempted to write a fictional piece upon it, this is a virtual feat for the eyes.
A temple, a gateway, or a mode of (interdimensional) transportation of sorts championed by a mysterious entity, at his behest a guard of sorts in the form of Lovecraftian serpents spitting bile at whomever decides it prudent to approach. And there’s a few who strangely have, as witnessed by the clawing hands in the toxic sludge beneath. Another alternative (among many)is that the clawing hands are of those who’ve decided it’s their turn to take a stab at the throne. Either way this remains one if my favorite images of the year. Just delicious in its detail.
The Audio
Admittedly, I’m not normally a fan of Slam type DM/Core. The art brought me here. Predictably this is chock full of ‘drops’ and jagged rhythms. But it isn’t all that; there’s brutality aplenty and even passages of (brief) melody to keep a fan, with similar tastes to my own, amused and still ‘tuned in’. This wasn’t altogether as bad as I had originally assumed based on the genre description, it has its moments, chillingly instrumentals and a tone and texture to delight Djent fans also. Not 100% my cup of tea, but actually rather listenable.

Dead Cross (USA) – II
October 22 – Ipecac Recordings

The Art

Like a Child’s toy loved too much with a myriad of maniacal upgrades or a melding of the Octopus and Human empire gone astray this fellow looks rather confused, while at the same time multi talented. But just what is he (she/they/them/it?) doing here? Hailing a cab outside of the Vatican? Or alternatively composing for the next Dead Cross album, a myriad of genres mashed together for a whole that’s incredibly satisfying and exhausting.

The Audio
There’s no arguing. This Patton fellow is either a madman (who doesn’t sleep) or a genius (who doesn’t sleep). Anyone with any knowledge of FnM is likely to know what to expect here, or assume that they might. For this too is a tad different, manic, frantic, but effn’ fun. Like a collision of genres with zero pandering to fads, this rolls out like a schizophrenic steamroller. No two tracks are alike and the whole makes one seriously want to smash the replay to try to make sense of what they’ve just experienced. At time it’s as if SOD is in cahoots with The Dead Kennedys, in others Punk in a meth daze. While a few tracks are more controlled than others this still bears an overall chaotic nature which one will either love, hate or struggle to understand. For the record I fall under two of the aforementioned categories.
Recc for fans of Wizard Rifle, Brutal Juice and vintage FnM.

Moonlight Sorcery (Finland) Horned Lord of the Thorned Castle
September 23 – Avantgarde Music

The Art
– Take that, council woman Karen. Feel the wrath of the carnivorous entity which defies all attempts of culling courtesy of ‘the blade that cuts all things’.
“But Sir, I’m not a representative from the local government”.
– You’re not?
“No. Im from the IRS”.
– Oh. Well wait there. I have a collection of throwing axes I’ve been dying to try out.
Could the band possibly name their album anything other than a combination of words which leaves the tongue in knots (seriously, repeat it five times fast).
The Audio
Sometimes the planets align, the moon falls under the shadow of Saturn and Jupiter brings good fortune to all with three vowels in their given name. I obviously have no clue what I’m talking about, this is utter nonsense. What isn’t however is what’s on offer here. Oftentimes when one genre collides with another from a great distance across the Metal genre spectrum it’s unfathomably messy and incoherent. In this instance the combination is sublime. Power metal rhythms (minus the often insufferable falsetto vocal accompaniment), symphonic atmosphere and melodies one can easily lose oneself within alongside swift rhythms and sensibilities most definitely not of the dragons, swords and sorcery quest variety. With all that being said, this still remains Metal of the Black variety (am I still allowed to say that?) In opposition to the (unusual for this genre to be blunt) shredding there exists the clawing at the elements vocal approach. And it all strangely works, meshes damn well in fact leaving one reminiscing upon acts of a similar vein, such as Black Guard. Although this might take part of a track to become comfortable with, once there the effect is unquestionably enthralling leaving one eager to dive in again.

Cult Burial (United Kingdom) – Reverie of the Malignant
September 23 – Independent

The Art
This somehow puts me in mind of a movie poster. Perhaps a slasher movie with an air of mystery (not all have mystery, most are merely stalk n slash affairs). Within the image there appears to be a jumble of (disembodied) body parts, a jigsaw puzzle which only the brightest minds can put together before time runs out and everyone perishes. Is this a teaser for another Saw affair. I’m not sure. But I’m left intrigued…
The Audio
For an act touted as Blackened DM these fellows know how to stretch boundary limits and tear open the envelope (whatever that constitutes). Dissonance has the top placing on the menu here, that and palpable atmosphere, also a sludgey tone blanketing an exciting variation of pace, rather than the constant, predictable, swift melodies, chuggery and what all is typically associated with the genre. With all this in mind the growls, grunts and brute throat issuances are still in attendance as well sonic soundscapes to invoke involuntary appendage twitching. In short, go in to this with an open mind. It may require a few spins to fully embrace, based on tastes, etc, but once there the waters are immensely enjoyable. These guys are choosing to veer away from the norm, the predictable, and are traversing their own chosen trail utilizing the tools already available though not necessarily in the assumed order. I’m excited as to that which comes next for Cult Burial.

FaithXTractor (USA) – Contempt for a Failed Dimension
January 23 – Redefining Darkness Records

The Art
Is it just me or does this fellow appear to be having more than slight difficulty in wrangling an octopus. One of the malformed – It’s likely your parents smoked crack while conceiving you – variety, to be sure. Perhaps that’s not the case? Could it be that the ‘creature’ is merely retrieving a jacket from an animated hat stand. An instrument which has somehow sprouted appendages and which has decided it would much prefer a stroll in a Lovecraftian landscape than to remain rigid and stare at the hallway mirror for the duration of its existence? I doubt either one of these quandaries will ever be answered to my satisfaction. What say we give the audio a whirl.
The Audio
Sounding as if plucked from a Def Sampler circa 93′ the audio here is undeniably Old School. Dirge is the order of the day here, that despicable atmosphere, and unadulterated chuggery a maniacal concoction that following the albums entirety will likely leave ones head dangerously close to falling from its neck perch. I shit you not, this demands respect. I only hope that its release (so close to the beginning of the year) didn’t go unnoticed. Damn fine maniacal composition such as this warrants discovery, celebration and sharing.

Woe (USA) – Legacies of Frailty
September 23 – Vendetta Records

The Art
Damnit Fred. Did you leave the gas on again?
It could be rather easy to scribble upon this cover art. One might mention that it’s a run of the mill ancient ruins on fire image which tends to feature heavily in the genre. One could also add that it showcases the obvious church on fire synonymous with the genre stereotype. But you have to look closer, at the details rather than rely upon merely a I’ve seen it all before, quick glance. This isn’t a church or any typical run of the mill (fantastical) ruin. In fact it’s a clever composite of famous European landmarks (if they were all to feature in a single location) and brings to mind many infamous fiery instances throughout history such as The Great Fire of London and the aftermath of the eruption of Vesuvius. Onwards to the audio…
The Audio
Swift compositions, boasting melodies of an extremely high caliber and surprising transformative moods this is both atmospheric and easy listening for those who veer away from raw realms. What’s surprising is the quality of the production and the vocal approach; more melodic/ blackened death with a hint of Grindcore it brings an intriguing edge to a listen. Synth and symphonic elements are a fantastic touch which adds both grandiose textures and depth making for an album which offers a great deal for fans of both the traditional and affairs which showcase varied genre influence with amazing results.
This hits the spot!

Valetta (USA) – Come Alive
June 23 – Independent

The Art
For starters, one of coolest logos I’ve seen in a while. As for the image, naturally one wonders who the unlucky fellow is, and why they thought it probable that they might win a fight with a vulture, or is it an eagle (?) Perhaps the situation is stranger still, a multiverse type event whereupon two armies collided and to the victors went the spoils. Highly unlikely, moreso that this is a statement concerning liberty, the state of the union and travesties inherent in society. Fug, I’m exhausted, what say we discuss the audio?
The Audio
Admittedly, I came here because I’m starting to miss Lord Almighty (the band, not the mysterious entity who resides somewhere above the clouds, and apparently within each and every one of us) this act has the same vocalist and their last effort was bloody fantastic. I’m pleased to report that although the members here are different (each with fantastic credits), the music falls within the same loose catagory; that of Black n’ Roll. Now I’m not altogether sure what that entails, though I do know what this effort offers. It boasts melody, angst, huge riffs and enough variation in its mood and composition to please those with listening penchants across the board. Rhythms are a marriage of dissonant and traditional and there’s enough oomph to get even the laziest listener off their ass and into spastic movement. My only complaint is that this isn’t long enough, I guess I’ll have to wait for another. I’m eager!

Kuupyr (USA) – Taikuus
July 23 – Independent

The Art
The mind reels as it takes in this image. There’s so much going on and the situation seems largely unreal. A flutist is seen playing while a cat dances feet away. More interesting still is that the pair are in a forest type setting, albeit a clearing,  surrounded by roots, trees, bushes and bones. This isn’t the strange part, although taking your pet to the woods to frolic in playful audio and dance is odd enough in itself, the weirdness begins with a monstrous form, one might say a demon, a devil of sorts, in a state of relaxation witnessing the scene. Others of similar description (though not size) are seen in the background. One ponders upon their thoughts, rather than the flutists  reasoning and penchant for watching felines do the two step, are they licking their chops in anticipation of their next meal, about ready to complain, or perhaps specific requests?
The Audio
Marrying melodic BM with Folk rhythms and a touch of dramatic flair Taikuss have somehow managed to produce an album which makes an impact where others haven’t. Melodies are highly infectious, often Eastern Europe flavored baroque in texture and the production is top notch. Among the many elements which help this stand out is a stunning vocal approach; theatrical and enunciated it adds that certain penache, mystery and intrigue to make one want to smash the replay icon again and again.

Grand Cadaver (Sweden) Deities of Deathlike Sleep
August 23 – Majestic Mountain Records

The Art
Blub bub bubbublub…blub
Seriously lads, how long do we have to carry this wretched thing around for? It’s cold, I’m tired. I’m wet. My feet hurt. And the missus is calling; asking where I’m at, and when I’ll be home.
The Audio
There’s little argument that the HM2 arena is crowded. Ever since Carnage, Entombed and Dismember (who have stronger ties with Carnage than many might think) originally pioneered the sound it seems as though the woodwork is literally crawling with imitators. Most can be passed off as copycats with little imagination, there are however (within the amassed ranks) a few which manage to stand out. Grand Cadaver are one of these, though none could guess as to impact they might one day deliver. And with this (album) their imprint is for everyone to witness. Yes, this is HM2 but it’s pleasingly inventive, fresh and altogether bloody brilliant, whilst still adhering to that which fans expect. I’m not altogether certain how they’ve managed it, but Grand Cadaver have dropped an album which reinvigorates that which drastically required a spark, of some type. And this is an offering which I whole heartedly recommend any fan of the genre, and those even slightly curious about what it might offer, purchase.

Aortha (International) – Monolit
September 23 – Independent

The Art
This image seriously looks as though it could accompany any number of R.A. Salvatore fantasy tomes. It oozes mystery, intrigue and a back story,  waiting to be repeated, spoken about, for millennia around a campfire. Within the image a Maiden, likely a goddess or a witch of sorts (for wont of a better term) is seen holding a glowing red heart. The heart is causing quite the stir, for she is surrounded on all sides by a legion of characters, individuals reeking of the past, a different time, a different place. In the foreground a pair of hands (strangely they appear more animated and healthier in tone than their counterparts) is seen tugging at her belt. Are they pulling her from the threat or do they also have manipulative intentions? Alternatively, this could well be a veiled reference to the extreme audio scene itself. Fresh blood with the Old School crowd clamoring in the dust, whilst scouts and those behind the funding are attempting to reel in future talent with promises of coin and a lucrative merch deal.
The Audio
Before I continue I feel the need to mention that this is a bonefide supergroup of sorts. Two years in the making and with a plethora of talent on display, plucked from the likes of Exhorder, Alkaloid, Scar Symmetry, Voivod (and a slew of others too numerous to list) this showcases composition talent encompassing a wide radius within the extreme audio universe.
To give this merely a single genre description would be a criminal injustice, as this bears elements from many a genre (as expected). Power Metal, Thrash and Progressive textures are front and foremost and play well exhibiting a bond in instances which even the tightest of twins could well be jealous of. With ample enough shredding rhythms, memorable riffs, leads stunning solos and palpable moods, the stage is set to sate even the most ravenous of appetite. A varied vocal array adds to the enjoyment and gives this a rarely heard depth and grandiose nature. Similarities to recognizable acts (for those requiring something familiar to grasp ahold of) include the likes of King Diamond, Iced Earth, Children of Bodom and Magnum. In short, this is melodic, it shreds like a beast and offers rhythms which get the ligaments a twitchin’. Admittedly a tad ‘lighter’ than what I usually consume but strangely I’m enjoying the hell outta this.
Give it a whirl for you might also.

And that’s it for this installment. Thanks for making this far down the page. As is traditional feel free to comment, suggest or recommend.

Don’t fear that which is typically foreign to the senses.


Abrasive Audio Late 21′ – Part the Second

Welcome back.

This installment concludes the latest AA piece (and is perhaps the years final entry?)  In this segment I’ve compiled a few Reccs (including, obviously, Voids), Plucked Screamin from Metal Past, Revisiting a Classic (Exhorder’s “Slaughter at the Vatican” receives a revisit after a few decades of collecting dust, yes it’s been too long) and there’s an entry to keep the ears open for in the very near future. However, before I get started, I need mention that this article includes several entries courtesy of a mysterious contributor. He/She/It even chose to tackle Adacom’s Top 5 (of October) in its entirety (minus Organic – which has been covered previously). I’m not complaining.

What say we get started…?

Plucked Screamin’ from Metal Past

Orion (Chile) – Mysterium Cosmographicim

Release – September 20

Genre – Death/Thrash/Old School Thrash

Thoughts –

From the cover one might imagine Raw BM (My Doctor says they hurt…what-?) and one would be wrong. This is DM with shredding riffs and atmosphere bordering on Aggressive Old School Thrash. Accented vocals give it a ferocious edge which I’m appreciating as I’m sure other will too. Tempos are varied with passages dipping occasionally into quite familiar territories (I won’t mention Metallica again in this piece… I won’t! Poop!) Overall, this is going to appeal to those who prefer the decidedly more primal side of the genre.

Score – 87

(And plucked from the abyss of obscurity by Kman)

Scanner (Germany) – Hypertrace

Spotify – Scanner Hypertrace link

Release- 1988

Genre – Heavy/Power/Speed Metal

Thoughts –

Within the first minute this put me in mind of early Helloween, albeit with a conceptual sci-fi slant. The catchy rhythms are here, a style which is undeniably Heavy Metal wrapped in classic melodies and clean singing vocals with an occasional chorus whereupon the whole band chimes in. A flowing narrative, cinematic ambiance (recalling scenes from stand out 80’s cinematic affairs which light seem a little aged nowadays) and falsetto vocals which occasionally trail off add to the enjoyment of an album (which I personally need to be a quite specific mood in order to sit through). Fun for fans of vintage HM, those who peddle the style today, and others pining for the days of yore when Iron Maiden, Diamondhead and “Keeper of the Seven Keys” ruled the airwaves (those who dared to play such) this provides all one could hope for though remains in an arena I personally rarely frequent.

Score – 80

Revisiting a Classic

Spotify Exhorder Slaughter in the Vatican link

Exhorder (USA) – Slaughter in the Vatican

Release – October 1990 (original demo; 1987)

Genre – Thrash/Groove

Thoughts –

General consensus (and all indications point toward the fact) is that this album dramatically changed Thrash and the way in which Pantera played, commencing with “Cowboys From Hell”. There are even a handful who believe this is the reasoning why “Anselmo sounds like Kyle Thomas” (each to his/her own, there’s seriously no reason to fight over opinions, although this hasn’t stopped millions lusting to spill blood throughout history).

So, what then of the album?

More importantly, why didn’t I like it when I owned the vinyl? (this is another album I should have coveted, rather than sold). I honestly believe it was on account of the Kyle’s vocal cadence. His voice ‘shifts’ gears a great deal and my appreciation of it (now) makes me ponder upon giving Dark Angel another chance. The music itself is top notch Thrash bursting at the seams with energy, exuberance and undoubtable technical prowess. In all honesty the album deserves as much praise as those frequently lauded above it (it was released a month prior to Megadeth “Rest in Peace”). SitV (an obvious abr.) in this sitting has delivered a great deal more than I believed it was capable of, a fact which only makes me want to flying kick myself in the groin. Perhaps a listen of their newest is in order? I’ll add it to the ever-expanding list. For now, I’m busy, I’m on my third spin and it still offers a certain something which apparently my adolescent mind could not quite handle (at the time).

Score – 91

Metal Dropping in the Near Future

Pilgrimage (Malta/The Netherlands) – Sigil of the Pilgrim Sun

Release – December 21

Genre – DeathDoom/Funeral Doom

Thoughts –

Slow and the sky is falling heavy with palpable malevolence this is DeathDoom veering toward Funeral Doom arenas done right. If one were to think vintage Paradise Lost merging with the finest incarnation of Mourning Beloveth then this could well be the result. Melancholy, grand sweeping rhythms and throaty vox all the best ingredients are here and mixed with precision and expert know-how. With that being said however there still remains a moment or two which feel a tiny bit out of place (perhaps the fix is something as easy as a touch up/rethinking upon the constitution of certain clean vocal passages?) Strangely, there’s next to zero internet presence for this act, and the album. That needs to change, and pronto. Here’s hoping these few words could spark an avalanche of warranted interest.

Score – 85

Onward to the Kingdom of Reccs

An Anonymous Twitter Recc

(Written by “B”)

Deadly Ritual (Mexico) – Horrores de la Mente Humana

Release – May 21

Genre – OSDM/Death/Thrash

Thoughts –

I can’t make nor tail outta what these fellas are “singing” about. Odds are this is in their native tongue, more power to them. But it matters not. This comes outta the void to kick the listener in the tail and spin them around like a tumbleweed in a stiff Arizona breeze (that’s topical as it’s where both me and Cult reside). In instances this bears a local band aura, though not the typical these fuckas are everywhere aura. But instead, the rare vibe which brings about an ecstatic happiness and an urge to approach the band to inform them they’re destined to be going places (other than the local circuit). In other instances, an undeniable ‘we know what the hell were doing’ presence. And they do, in between varied easily identifiable influence there’s a drum assault with an unforgiving hellish approach, wicked feral South American accented vocals and a percussion which also hints at a love for the diabolic as well the obvious Slayer-esque attitude. All this and a decent rendition of “Open Casket” (if you’re at a loss for who the original author may be, odds are you’re in the wrong place!)

Do not miss this! Support these talented hombres from across the border.

Score – 88

A Recc from the Twitter Metal Community at Large

Burial (Italy) – Inner Gateways to the Slumbering Equilibrium…

Release – October 21

Genre – DeathDoom/OSDM

Thoughts –

Burial here prove that their last outing was no mere fluke. This boils over with definite presence, a palpable arcane nature, an ancient malevolence. A vessel transporting the listener to alien realms, a time far removed from our own, a landscape rife with sinister magicks, desolation and tyranny. Burial do what many try their hands at (it seems a current trend for the past couple of years) but pull it off with an outstanding flair which separates then from their peers.

Cavernous Death on another level.

Score – 92

Recc by (the Spawn of) Lilith Kain

(And another submitted by “B”)

Hands of Despair (Canada) – The Crimson Boughs (and Other Short Tales)

Release – December 21

Genre – Progressive/Black/Death Metal

Thoughts –

And here’s another I grabbed from (the very tippy top of) Cult’s “to get to” list. And not to be put off from the band’s own words and description; “We play long, dark, songs” I dove in blindly, ears first.

Well, the shortest track runs just under four and a half minutes…but it matters not. I honestly wasn’t expecting to scribble this but this transfixes, mesmerizes and holds the attention rapt throughout. Each track is akin to a planet bouncing around a universe which is the album that somehow contains the whole (fuck me! I’m a poet). But seriously, there’s a frenetic smorgasbord of audio delights on offer here and these ‘fellas’ know how to manhandle (not sure if they’re comprised of a mixture of Y and X chromosomes, or however one terms it nowadays, here’s hoping you get the point I’m trying to make) their instruments (that’s not meant as a gender pun) and the assorted cacophony resulting. There’s melody here, chaos, enough pace shifts to frustrate a NASCAR driver, atmosphere enough for an 80’s sci-fi epic and plentiful technical prowess to entice as well an impressive throat to perk up all those who demand quality in said department. I’m of the crowd who believes this element is of the utmost importance and this example is most certainly not going to let any fans down.

Brutality, presence, melody, for fear of repeating myself this trumps (sans the orange hair and horrendous business “grab them by the pussy” etiquette) most.

The only drawback to this is the fact that its release falls so late in the year that it quite possibly results in missing representation, deservedly warranted, upon a plethora (ooo, another exciting word) of End of Year lists.

Score – 94

Recc from Drew

(I’m not sure to which release he was referring, So I’ll “cover” both chapters here)

Panzerfaust (Canada) – The Suns of Perdition – Chapter I; War, Horrid War

Release – June 19

Genre – Atmospheric/Melodic BM

Thoughts –

If 1914 are the DM WWI act then there’s no doubt that Panzerfaust are the BM equivalent. With stunning arrangements and a twin pronged vocal assault, riffs to tear the head off whilst simultaneously making one ponder upon how it possibly is that BM can be this catchy and all-consumable whilst still holding firm to the genre’s parameters. Dissonant passages, atmosphere to drench the soul and an aura to drag one screamin’ back to the front (oh, God no-! Not a Metallica reference?) This contains a damn sight more than one might initially assume, and that last track…suffice it to say I’m kicking myself for not giving them time and discovering them so much sooner. This demands respect!

Score – 95

The Suns of Perdition – Chapter II; Render unto Eden

Release – August 20

Genre – Atmospheric/Melodic BM

Thoughts –

Powerful audio here. Plenty of dissonant rhythms and atmosphere to pull one ‘into the action’. It’s obvious that Panzerfaust take the time to hone their craft and diversify (somewhat) their style from album to album and it works. Although thus isn’t quite as impactful as their last it still stands testament to the fact that the arena of BM isn’t that which many might assume based on “bad press”. It’s a varied and wonderful spectrum, truly a landscape one can lose themselves within if given half the chance and Panzerfaust just so happen to have the cookies.

Score – 90

Recc from Curtis

Astrophobus (Sweden) Corpus

Release- November 21

Genre – Melodic/Atmospheric BM

Thoughts –

It’s not often that a Recc comes to me by way of someone I “work” with, however in this case I was curious enough to flex the scribbling fingers.


Thank the Dark Lord for unholy audio and Reccs from not quite so random strangers who know great audio when they hear it. This isn’t just as catchy as a blessed baseball mitt it’s also draped in a grandiose nature which adds an often-ritualistic aura and a ‘build’ which is outstanding. Add to that a set of pipes which any up-and-coming BM act could only wish to possess and you have an album which is far and away better than my limited scope of grammatical praise could ever describe. But I’ll try, and hopefully give the reader an inkling of how important it is to give this a listen.

Score – 94

Recc from Void

Chasmdweller (Canada) – Fossilized (EP)

Release – April 21

Genre – DM/OSDM


The description isn’t wrong, this is DM for DM fans! Barely this side of Slam with gargling vocals, wicked (I said that with a Canadian accent, could you tell?) pace transformations and a requisite amount of pummeling to pound one into dust. These fellas know what they are doing and Void has Recc’d another winner! Only four tracks on offer in this EP but its more than enough to entice a listener to take a foray into the other audio slabs on offer.

Score – 90

Recc from Droid

(Submitted by ‘B”)

Mangler (Canada) – Dimensions of Terror

Release – July 17

Genre – Thrash/Death/Heavy Metal

Thoughts –

If you’re in the market for riffs, rhythm, chuggery and a style which is equal parts Thrash and Death with zero BS and minimal Proggy bits, this is likely the album for you. Slightly simplistic and largely precictable this isn’t leading the charge, or hoisting any fancy standards, for change within the genre. It does however hit the spot!

Score – 78

Recc from Doomparade

(Submitted by “B”)

Firelink (USA) – The Inveterate Fire: Rekindled

(A remaster of the May 2019 release featuring different members)

Release – November 21

Genre – Melodic Black Metal

Thoughts –

Note the track lengths and the fact that this isn’t a traditional fall-asleep-whilst-listening Doom affair. It does however sport cinematic builds, classic atmosphere and instances of Prog and insane, complex, drum mastery which most traditional BM albums do not. In actuality, it starts out much like if Black Dahlia Murder might sound if they’d taken a similar road to that which SkeletonWitch have taken. But then the album transforms to include atmospheric and Prog elements. This is not in the slightest what one might imagine given the genre moniker, but it is impressive, highly entertaining, and likely requires more than a solitary spin to fully appreciate.

Score – 84

Recc from LFCMFighter

(Submitted by “B”)

Grand Cadaver (Sweden) – Into the Maw of Death

Release – October 21

Genre – HM2/Melodic Death

Thoughts –

Yes, their EP earlier in the year was damn impressive. I’m happy to report this is no exception to the already stratospheric (love that word, and apparently so does Cult, so I’m going to borrow it) standard they’ve already established. Imbued (another snazzy word. Look at me I’m a smarty pants) with liberal douses of DeathDoom and enough Groove to detour an ocean, this isn’t what one would deem traditional Entombed, Dismember, or even Bloodbath fodder (perhaps I should rephrase as all three have veered slightly from the “Left Hand Path” (ha, I’m a pun artist now!) within their respective discographies. The term ‘best known for’ is more appropriate. But it works and this shudders with atmosphere and an aura which brims over with excellence. A presence no doubt manufacted from the combined talent on offer. This might be the year of HM2, it’s undeniably a fan-fckn’-tastic year for Grand Cadaver! And this album is yet another reason why the genre and this act in particular shouldn’t be ignored!

Fun fact; Mikeal Stanne is not only the vocalist here but also in Dark Tranquility, he occasionally features as the same (in) In Flames (ouch! I bet that smarts) and is also the original vocalist for Hammerfall. What a talented and busy chap!

Score – 95

Adracom’s Top 5 (of October)

(Submitted, Pondered upon and Scribbled  by “B”)

Mortal Vision (Ukraine) – Mind Manipulation

Genre – Old School/Aggressive Thrash

Thoughts –

“I can see”… (said the suddenly wealthy blind man) why this is included here. Shades and mire than merely a slight leaning toward a style peddled by vintage Sodom, Sepultura and a cover which puts one in mind of a certain era of Marduk, across the board Bolt Thrower, and a newer act in much the same vein; Just Before Dawn (although a style which resides barely this side of the Death/Dirge front line trenches). This is classic, instant, sickle-across-the-chops inducing audio sporting rhythms, riffs and an accented vocal assault to put any Thrash fan in the mood for carnage and destruction. Prepare yourself for an abrupt rifling through all an assortment of bug ridden, dusty, boxes in storage. This one demands spikes, chains and denim as an accompaniment.

Nostalgic “Thrashin like an absolute Maniac” Bliss!

Score – 92

Archspire (USA) – Bleed the Future

Genre – Tech/Brutal Death Metal

Thoughts –


Now this is what I’m talking about! Spastic fast, tight as a pair of jeans from the 1st grade (some might get that reference, I don’t!) coupled with a throat to ward off the most wicked of demonic infestation. Seriously, this guy has insane chops. Rhythms to change the direction of a hurricane and a drummer who could most likely reshape that head monument thing in the Dakota with his skills in less than five minutes (just give him a pair of chisels, I dare ya!)

In short this is as close to an audiogasm I’ve came (there’s a pun!) all year. Somehow, they just keep getting better.

Score – 97

First Fragment (Canada) – Glorie Eternelle

Genre – Tech/Prog/Classical Death

Thoughts –

Flamenco guitar, Tech intricacy and insane, frequent, instances of “how the F can anyone possibly play like this”. Not to mention an overall aura which screams why haven’t the two styles been fused in this way before? First Fragment have personality, oodles of talent and creativity which is far beyond impressive. This is an over an hour in length though fails to traipse into “this is so technically stunning” that it’s beyond comprehension (*insert another acts name here) sliding into boring over-the-top realms.

Truly an achievement in a genre with plentiful releases which often suffer from one track sounding like all the others. Although undoubtedly experimental this somehow remains a stellar affair boasting evocative atmosphere not to mention cavalcade upon cavalcade of rhythms within a maelstrom of riffs. A testament to the abilities of those responsible, this warrants exploration and celebration.

Score – 94

Fear Connection (Germany) – Progeny of a Social Disease

Genre – Thrash/Death/D-Beat

Thoughts –

Two tracks in and I’ve already decided that this is the audio I’ll be spinning all day. Just Fn’ wow! Take heed all up and coming acts who might be struggling as how to meld Thrash and Death and other elements onto a cohesive and thoroughly enjoying whole…this is quite the approach to take! Plenty of groove to get into here as well moments to toss one back to albums of the past one might not consider based on this album’s overall texture and tone. And enough movement to keep one moving (huh?). Toss this amidst the EoY list contenders.

Score – 92

Organic – Where Graves Abound*

(*Covered in a previous Installment)

Last Minute Rapid-Fire Additions

(A single brutally blunt sentence, and a score, no BS! Again ‘hosted’ entirely by B)

Unconsecrated (Spain) – Reveal of the Dead

Release – December 21

Thoughts –

The cover depicts “The Blind Dead” (film) worship whilst the audio tells of undeniable Grave and Dismember influence. None of these are bad things, somewhat over-used and beaten to death for sure, but hardly bad. I’m glad to report however, that these fellas know their way around both a stick bashin’ set (drums) and fretboards. Within the mix also are infectious rhythms, a fantastic tone, an occasional passage that hints at possible Crust adoration and a throat which fits the whole. Occasional synth melodies lent this a memorable quality and a slight 80’s Cult film nostalgia. I’m intrigued as to where future releases might lead, for now I’m busy moving along like an electrified mannequin to what this offers. Another raunchy gem plucked from the ether.

Score – 84

Recc from Adracom (yes, more from that one metal preaching bloke on Twitter)

R.O.D (Poland) – Hate Speech

Release – Dec 21

Thoughts –

Short and sweet. Heavily accented and aggressive bounce around till you hit the dirt from exhaustion Thrash. This isn’t highly polished, or even pretty, but it gets down n dirty and straight to the fkn’ point. And how about that cover? A skeleton on a mission with a Meagan-like instrument of punishment. Anyone else getting The Exploited vibes from the artwork?

Score – 82

Once Upon the End (France) – The Next Chapter

Release – December 21

This might require a few spins to fully appreciate. The first track leads the listener one way, a false sense of security, only for the second and subsequent tracks to offer surprising movement and a style which varies dramatically. Melodic HM rhythms and an aura hinting at Melodic DM interests are par for the course, as too a rampant unpredictability factor suggesting a wide array of influence and talents stemming from far flung corners of the Metal Universe.

Score – 81

Tyrants (Columbia) – Kill or Die

Release – December 21

Imagine if Exciter, Iron Maiden and (newer) Judas Priest were to merge into a single style. This could well be the result. Sounds messy but this actually works! Infectious Thrash with splashes of HM and passionate vocals, add a South American edge and it’s a winner!

Score – 82

Luciferica (Brazil) – Wailing War

Release – December 21

A fantastic cover. It’s a pity about the music. It’s a little repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. But I’m guessing some people like this type. Is this ‘Drone’…? It has a Doom feel, to be sure, huge riffs and snatches of melody but not nearly enough to keep my attention.

Score – 62

Mental Cruelty (Germany) – A Hill to Die Upon

Release – May 21

A definite symphonic presence makes this different than most breakdown/”drop” infested deathcore affairs. Fantastic rhythms and technical dense rhythms only make up a portion of why this is so impressive.

Score – 82

Silver Talon (USA) – Decadence and Decay

Release – May 21

There are plentiful styles on display here to please those whose tastes are scattered. From Speed metal rhythms to tracks basted more in both Prog and Hard Rock values this is sure leave an impression upon fans who veer frequently from more extreme arenas. A standout factor comes in the form of a vocalist whose attributes bear gymnastic qualities and a range which is astonishing. Shades of Nevermore’s Warren Dale shine through as this unfolds as well similarities to acts who dwell within Heavy Metal territories though often incorporate stylish intricacies plucked from other realms into their repertoire.

Score – 81

Celestial Swarm (Australia/France/USA) – Gateways to the Necroverse

Release – January 21

There’s some debate as to which genre definition this filthy, squirmy, ever-writhing, dense, audio should have. But really who cares? Take the time to enjoy its complexities, facets and all-consuming nature instead. Seriously, it’s a toss-up between Melodic BM/Cavernous DM/Brutal DM and DeathDoom not to mention the snippets of Grinding Death and Slam throughout. This came out in January; it deserves to be rediscovered!

Score – 84

Deadspeak (The Netherlands) – Dissolve the Dream (EP)

Release – October 21

Chug, chug, chugtastic. It’s all been heard before and this breaks no new ground. However, it’s a decent listen overladen with satisfactory riffs and a raunchy tone that’s sure to get the dangle bits moving, add to this an aura which permeates with a delicious 90’s stench and the recipe is complete. An “Evil Dead” cover finds a weird placement (right smack-bang in the middle of the EP) though serves to break up the album some with a spot of neck breaking nostalgia.

Score – 78

Brooding Fear (The Netherlands/Poland) – Abomination

Release – December 21

Talk about albums you might have missed if not for stumbling down a YouTube rabbit hole and reading the occasional detritus within the comment section. This fits in that category. With enough whipping melodies, grindcore esque passages and chopping an enemy up finer than dust drum salvos alongside a vocal accompaniment that pleases this leaves the kind of mark to make one yell the band’s name aloud followed by the word Why? Seriously, this demands press and discussion. It’s tight, has movement and energy to spare (much like a new born rabbit who hasn’t been cornered by his horny brethren. What-?)

Score – 90

Eyemaster (Germany) – 2 track demo

Release – May 21

Only two tracks on offer here, and a silly moniker. The art has my attention.

A filthy tone, an aura to please those whose sensibilities are still firmly rooted in the 90’s and groove slathered in Crust. There’s not much else to say other than bring on a full-length brandishing the same attitude…please!

Score – 88

1914 (Ukraine) – Where Fear and Weapons Meet

Release – October 21

If the art doesn’t tickle your happy bone (huh?) the music is sure to. Much like their last this is completed with attention to detail; passages that transport the listener to the trenches and vividly illustrate the psyche of those fighting for their livelihood, family and country and an aura which seethes with at any given moment everything could be lost. This is exquisite!

Dirge, Melodic DeathDoom (with sprinkles of Traditional Folk) par excellence.

Score – 92

Devil Cross (Canada) – This Mortal Coil

Release – December 21

She sports quite the…uhh…umm…blade?

The guy from Haunt is here. Behind the kit, and oddly not fiddling with strings. Anyhow, this is an absolute retro Speed/Proto/HM affair which I cannot, for the life of me, get fully behind, although I’m sure there are those with vintage penchants who will go absolutely gaga for what this offers. But not me, I honestly didn’t make it past the second track.

Be braver than me, give these guys a chance!

Score – 72

Opera Diabolicus (Sweden) – Death on a Pale Horse

Release – November 21

It’s been a great while since this super collective released anything. As the moniker suggests this is more like an “Opera” than an album. With Classical, Progressive, Gothic, Heavy, Epic and Power Metal elements colliding, this sounds messy. But surprisingly, it isn’t. Recc’d more for the open-minded and fans of narrative based audio (*cough, *cough, King Diamond) this is intricate, multi-faceted and complex. And much like every other entry in this segment I’ve written more than …”a single, blunt, sentence” upon it. Whoops. My bad!

Score – 79

And, Yes, I had to go there…

Omicron (Belguim) – Revelations of Man (Single)

Release – March 21

Thoughts –

And the verdict is in. And I’m happy to report this is actually rather decent. Atmosphere and angelic female presence woven around a style which is noticeably both Black and somewhat Tech Death complete with catchy rhythms, lyrics which fit our current state of affairs and a style I want to hear more of. Obviously these guys have tons of attention at the moment on account of a “variant” (and not from the Loki series at that!) named after them (?) hopefully the attention helps their career some, now if only the extreme audio genre would receive the same, for the right reasons (it isn’t just noise after all, unless it is), perhaps the talent therein wouldn’t have to struggle so hard to make a living. Ah, if only this was a perfect world and every candy bar came in a white chocolate variety also. A full length has been promised and I’m intrigued.

Score – 80

Get in the Choppa

And that’s about it, I’ve heard rumors that Cult might be dropping a few names in regards to his most listened to albums of 2021 but in regards to a list of any semblance, in any order, it’s still “up in the air”. Either way, I could care less. Have a fantastic end of year folks and don’t forget to hold those near and dear in cages (ha, I jest!)…tight. As who really knows what the future has in store?

Bring on the machines. Insert random Arnie quotes here “Come with me if you want to live”, “Get in the Choppa'”.

On that note, I’m out!